Six Tips Will Save You From Acne Permanently


Six Tips Will Save You From Acne Permanently

Most disturbing skin problems is undoubtedly the problem of acne, especially for oily skinned women which is getting to have the problem due to the expansion of the pores of the face to have and thus a larger amount of secretion oils or dirt gathered leading to the emergence of grain.

Here are 6 tips to follow until you clear skin and free of grain.

1 – Don’t Touch 

Many do not resist the desire to get rid of the grain through extracted from under the skin themselves, and this is a fatal error.
Don’t touch grains, ever, try also not to touch your face during the day only after hand washing and cleared a deadly cascade face with dirty hands leads to the emergence of grain?

2 – Don’t strain your skin
Do not use dozens of lotions and creams on your skin every day, especially those that promise rid of acne like  Retin A
But use it  once a week, because it has a very strong effectiveness and use on a daily basis will lead to drought skin

 Follow the system keeps the skin moisture

3 - Do not be lazy before going to sleep 

Washing the face before going to sleep is must never give it up because you're then clean the pores of dirt and make-up accumulations, allowing it breathing throughout the night which is what you need.

Whenever the pores are blocked, the more the problem of acne.

4 - Use a special lotion skin suffering from acne 

Choosing the right lye is very important when you try to solve the problem of acne, so make sure you choose the lye that contains salicylic acid, which helps to get rid of the grain.

5 - Drink plenty of water 

More repeat advice is to drink plenty of water!
Most important factor in water moisturizes the skin, and the skin is healthy skin moisturizing and

 net . As the water that is to rid the body of toxins, so make sure you drink at least 2 liters of water a day (8 cups).

6 - Moisturizing. Friend of the skin
You may think many of skinned women to stay away from fatty moisturizing is good for their skin, and this belief is wrong .

Must moisten your skin daily, morning and evening to return to balance and protect them from drought and therefore other problems that may suffer from them. Make sure you choose the right moisturizer for your skin type.


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